Future University In Egypt (FUE)


Future University In Egypt

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Clinical Pharmacy Skills and Basic Life Support Workshop

course code : CPW01

Course Hours: 40 Hours

Prerequisites: Bachelor of Pharmacy

Course Description

This workshop introduces the concepts of evidence-based pharmacy practice, patient counseling skills and drug information services through problem-based teaching and competency. The training depends on virtual patient simulation case scenarios in disease-specific areas, including cardiovascular disorders, infectious disease, liver disease and respiratory disease. The workshop also provides hands-on experience in the evidence-based clinical pharmacy practice through interactions with practicing pharmacists in Egypt. The workshop’s target audience is undergraduate and fresh graduate pharmacists who have no or limited exposure to real clinical pharmacy practice and are interested in developing the skills to integrate evidence-based practice into patient care.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the participant will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of evidence-based practice
  • Identify resources relevant to different pharmacy practice areas
  • Select appropriate resources for a specific drug information request
  • Effectively acquire full patient’s medical and medication history
  • Apply critical thinking in assessing
  • Identify drug related problems in different clinical scenarios
  • Review a medication order and provide proper counseling
  • Develop evidence-based and patient-specific recommendations for different clinical scenarios
  • Communicate effectively with different health care professionals
  • Provide effective patient education and counseling
  • Apply the skills gained into their daily work
  • Perform efficiently cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Course Dates and Fees:

FUE: EGP 1500
Outsiders: EGP 2000

Course Date:
19-24 January 2019
Deadline for Registration: 20 December 2018

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