Future University In Egypt (FUE)


Future University In Egypt


What does the syllabus consist of?

Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context

This topic includes: 

  • Understanding the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of learners, and how this might affect their learning of English. 
  • Understanding different learning styles and preferences. 
Language analysis and awareness

This topic includes: 

  • Understanding key terminology used in English language teaching, applying this terminology in planning and teaching. 
  • Demonstrating a working knowledge of English grammar, lexis and phonology. 
Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing

This topic includes: 

  • Understanding basic concepts and terminology used for describing reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, applying this to teaching. 
  • Understanding how approaches to texts may vary depending on the purpose, making practical use of this in teaching. 
Planning and resources for different teaching contexts

This topic includes: 

  • Understanding the purpose and principles of planning for effective teaching.
  •  Selecting and planning the kinds of lessons that are most appropriate for particular learners.
  • Evaluating lesson preparation and reflecting on this for planning future lessons. 
Developing teaching skills and professionalism

This topic includes: 

  • Effectively organising the classroom, both in terms of layout and pair/group activities. 
  • Making appropriate use of a range of materials and resources.
  • Involving learners of different ability levels, enabling them to feel a sense of progress. 

How will you be assessed?

You will be assessed throughout the course and there is no final examination. The two types of assessment are: 

1. Teaching practice

You will teach for a total of 6 hours, working with adult classes at a minimum of two levels of ability. Assessment is based on your overall performance. 

2. Written assignments

You will complete four written assignments (each 750–1,000 words). These focus on: 

  • Analysing and responding to adult learners' needs. 
  • Analysing language for teaching purposes. 
  • Teaching language skills.
  • Reflecting on classroom teaching. 
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